I probably wouldn't have taken the ball out of Jalon's hand there, but I don't necessarily have a problem with it. I will defend Bean a little bit though on missing Fairchild being wide open. It's hard to tell for sure from the TV angle, but I think Mason was screened off from Bean's vision by the two Arky defenders. He probably couldn't see him very well. Regardless it was a heck of a season, it was fun to be back in Memorial Stadium again and I'll take this type of pain over being down 40 in the 2nd quarter any day of the week.

Also: "K-State is doing well, but you can beat them on a recruit 8 out of 10 times when you are winning." hahahahahaah

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Bean on his 3rd read isn't a recipe for success. I agree that the angle was more difficult than we saw on TV, too.

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Thanks for doing this. Adds a lot better context than fans on twitter being mad.

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Twitter comments were bad last night. The general sense I got from these coaches is that they didn't LOVE the call, but it wasn't horrible.

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My main issue with the play call was that it put Bean in a difficult position. It's a lot to ask, given the situation and the play.

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